Experts-Solidaires is partnering with the Yaongo Village Development Association (ADVY) to set up a drinking water and irrigation network in the village of Yaongo, in the commune of Dargo, north-east of Ouagadougou. The project aims to improve access to drinking water and irrigation water for the 3,500 inhabitants of Yaongo with the aim of improving their health, reducing water-related hardship, and developing the economy by improving agricultural water management. Three areas will be discussed:
1- Drinking water: building a water system, training and awareness
2- irrigation: construction of cisterns and support for agricultural water management
3- Solar power to power the previous two and provide some services.
This project is in line with Burkina Faso’s 2015 national drinking water and sanitation plan, which states that: the state plans, the municipalities are the owners, NGOs contribute to the realisation on the ground and the populations contribute to the work.
- 850 inhabitants have access to sanitation
- The management of the sewerage network is sustainable through the users’ association
- Links created between the two territories (Arghen and Hérault) at the school level
- A sewage treatment plant with reed-planted filters
- A sewage collection system
- Marseillan Commune in decentralised cooperation with the Nihit Rural Commune
- Ighir Nouamane Village Association
- Agrosparitech-ENGREF
- FCI Development Study Office
- Taroudant Water Service
- Partners of the Municipality of Marseillan
- Rhône Mediterranean Water Agency Corsica
- Departmental Council 34
- SIWA-FGTO Foundation
- Moroccan funding: Local Government Delegation